Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why Don't Women Like Beer?

According to MRI+, only 26.1% of women ages 18-49 drink beer.

Here are three reasons why I, a woman of 22, do not choose beer above other beverages:

(1) Taste & Smell - I've never been able to finish a beer after first tasting it. (Granted, I was never really allowed to at the age I sampled them.) I do not find the smell appetizing, nor do I enjoy the flavor in combination with the carbonation.

(2) Alternatives - If I want a cold drink on a hot day, or alongside a slice of pizza, I'll go for a Coke on ice. If I'm celebrating with friends and wish to feel a "buzz," I'll enjoy a shot of tequila (or two, depending on the occasion) or a fruity mixed drink. Furthermore, why would I drink five beers to achieve the same intoxication with only a couple shots, or a really powerful mixed drink?

(3) Perception - I perceive beer to have masculine qualities. Though I don't consider myself to be overtly feminine (what with my taste in movies, rock music, clothing, etc.), I do not wish to associate myself with being "manly" on the occasions during which I drink alcoholic beverages.


  1. Samantha,

    Don't fret! This is something I've personally seen many times with women and beer. I know some of the more citrus-ey beers like Blue Moon, Shock Top, Hefeweizen, and Mothership Wit have been exceptions to the 'ew, gross, it's beer!' rule.

    If you're not a fan of any of those, I know ciders are usually a hit with the ladies, especially Pear Ciders. Most bars you go to will give you a taste of the beers/ciders they have on draft so that you can try it out beforehand.

    Hope this helps!

  2. I am not going to lie, I am not that big fan of beer either. But I agree that women do like more 'citrus-ey beers. The list of beers that Chris listed would be the ones I would prefer if that was the only choice of alcohol I could consume. :]

    However, I would have to add an ice cold Corona with salt and lime to the list though! (salt and lime is a must!)

    Looking forward to reading your next posts!

  3. I'm a girl and though I do tend to go for the strong mixed drinks I also enjoy beer. I'm not a fan of the light beers, but I'm always down for a dark one. Newcastle and Guinness being my current top ones :)

  4. These points are so true. (Even though I myself am not a woman,) I found myself saying the same things when I first started drinking beer.

    Beer is definitely something that requires an acquired taste, or moreso finding what type of brew you like. It's similar to coffee- there's a lot of factors into how its ingredients were prepared/handled, how it was brewed, etc. It takes a lot of sampling and trial and error to find a good beer that YOU personally like :)

    But of course, no one will ever force you to drink beer (hopefully, of course). Stick with what you like !

    p.s. your comment on perceiving beer as "masculine" is interesting... but that's another discussion for another time, heh.
